Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find a list of frequently ask questions.
If you do not see the information you are looking for please contact us by completing our Contact Form.

How much does it cost to get certified?

$53 – Application Fee (non-refundable)
$97 – Annual Dues (non-refundable)
$847 – Certification Program
Total: $997
(Dues and fees subject to change without notice.)

How can a physical skill like golf be learned through home study?

This program does not teach you a physical skill. It teaches you how to teach others a physical skill.

The program builds upon the golf knowledge you already have by giving you a pattern to follow for teaching in a systematic, professional manner.

What do I study from? Do I need a computer?

No, you DO NOT need a computer. The program is available online AND you will receive traditional books for study. You can do the entire program with a computer, books only, or a combination of both. It’s your choice.

What happens if I fail a test?

To earn your certification you must achieve a score of 70% or above for each test.

All tests are open book. If you fail a test you will be given the opportunity to submit a make-up test consisting of those questions missed.

If your performance on the make-up test brings the total percentage of right answers above the passing mark, we will record a grade of 70, and you continue the course.

How long will it take me to get certified?

The program is self paced. Most instructors earn certification within two or three months. Some have completed the course in one month. You can take up to two years, but it shouldn’t take that long.

Does NRPGI offer placement assistance for graduates?

Yes. Although we cannot guarantee you a job, we will assist you in finding one.

What are the benefits of certification, and what will I receive as a member?

  • Leather look gold imprinted binders (2)
  • Golf instructor course – 20 lessons
  • Supplementary Instructor Guide
  • Toll-Free membership services number
  • Envelopes for submitting lessons by mail
  • Toll-Free number for submitting lessons by fax

After course completion:

  • Teaching certificate on parchment paper with gold seal
  • Eligibility to display NRPGI™ seal on clothing and business cards
  • Promotion of you as an NRPGI™ pro at nrgpi.com and on Google
  • Embroidered certification patch
  • Access to low-cost liability insurance
  • Gold credit card type membership card embossed with your name
  • Free collared golf shirt with embroidered NRPGI™ seal


What is involved in doing the home study program? How many tests are there?

There are 20 lessons in the program.

At the end of each lesson is a test that you take then send to us for grading. We will grade the tests and notify you of the results along with helpful feedback.

For some lessons you will do practice-teaching exercises at your local driving range or other suitable location with your own student (you can use the same student for the entire program). In this way you put to practical use the knowledge you have gained from your studies.

How will you check my teaching skills? Do I have to go somewhere to be tested?

Your performance on the test at the end of each lesson is the primary factor considered when judging your readiness to be certified.

With home study you complete all requirements for certification in your home and at your local driving range or other suitable location. Thus, costly travel to a testing site is completely eliminated

Once you are certified, though, we reserve the right to check on your teaching in person. This is at no expense to you.

How do I get help if I need it?

Your course instructor will work closely with you to ensure you are progressing satisfactorily and passing all the tests.

If you have a question about your studies, you can submit it to your instructor by postal mail, scan/email, or fax using the specially prepared Request Form.

You can get help for other routine matters (e.g. you wish to submit your change of address or make a payment) by calling our toll-free membership services number during regular office hours.

Will my certification be recognized by prospective employers and students?

Yes. Employers and students recognize your NRPGI credential because it is through an accredited program. Also, NRPGI is a United States Golf Association Member in Good Standing.

Can I use my certification to get a job at a golf facility?

Yes. Many of our members are working at country clubs, resorts, and other facilities.

Certification shows a prospective employer that you are serious about golf and that you want to be the best at what you do.

What do others have to say about this instruction program?

Read testimonials and comments from colleagues and members.

Are there any extras to pay for?

Definitely not! With the NRPGI there are no hidden charges. Once certified you are only obligated to pay yearly membership dues, which is a requirement with all certification organizations.